Bringing People Together ...

Capitol Fellowship Foundation seeks to bring people together in the spirit of Christ through prayer mobilization in order to bring about revival and transformation in the Sacramento Region

Saturday, April 17, 2010

LIFT California - Capitol Gathering - April 17, 2010

"LIFT CALIFORNIA" Coalition of Prayer Ministries working together to encourage Christians to Adopt their precincts in Prayer. Today, some 80 to 100 people arrived at the California State Capitol to seek God's Face for our state, along with millions of followers of Christ to reclaim our state by humble worship and God's strategic intercession of all God's people in California. God has been revealing a multi-level strategy that is both prophetic and practical. From today's sharing, prayer and prophetic insight, it is obviouvs that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is up to something that is beyond human thinking and that only He can perform. I know it sounds vague and intentionally so, for the plans are in His Holy heart and will be revealed and performed in time. We will continue to worship, pray street by street, precinct by precinct. Meanwhile, we pray for God's men and women to be raised up, supported and voted into leadership at all levels of civil and educational governance in California