Dear Capitol Fellowship Foundation, (see Adopt Your Street at right column)
... Can God's people change the spiritual climate of a city?
--YES, and it can happen in California!
The Adopt Your Street movement is marching forward. As of today we have 1280 streets adopted across California. This number is very encouraging to me because it represents Christians who are
working together to reclaim their cities. Take Salinas for example. That city has been the victim of terrible gang violence that is affecting younger and younger kids. There was a recent tragic incident where a 15 year old boy was shot on his school campus. The gang warfare driving this violence is deeply entrenched. There are no easy answers or quick solutions, but rather than move out of town or hide out in caves and wait to go to heaven, Christians have decided to pray and work together to make a difference. They have been at this for a while, they have even prayer walked the entire city multiple times, now they have committed to take it to the next level by mobilizing people to systematically adopt each of the 1203 streets in the city for daily prayer and prayer evangelism.
Perhaps Salinas will be the first city in California completely adopted, or maybe it will be Vallejo. Our friends there have also been working together for a while, praying for their city and mobilizing prayer evangelism. God answers their prayers, he even gave them an anointed Christian mayor, now they are taking it to the next level and mobilizing to see each of the 1315 streets adopted! Maybe Novato will beat both of them, a group of pastors there just committed to go for 100% coverage of their 980 streets. Why don't you jump into this Holy Spirit arms race? Maybe your city can become the first city in California to be 100% adopted!
Adopt Your Street is not just limited to California! This weekend Sandra and I are in Tampa, Florida helping saints here launch Pray Tampa!
We can reclaim our cities and change the spiritual climate through prayer evangelism, but we must implement it with focus and persistence. This is where you can make the difference by doing three important things:
- If you have not yet done so, go to and adopt your street today! If you would like more teaching on what prayer evangelism is and how it can change the spiritual climate, there are two excellent lessons on that in the mentoring section on our website, just click here to access those for free.
- Spread the word: Forward this email to your friends. Watch the above promo video and then show it in your church or to your small group. If there is not a local prayer initiative in your area start one.
- Partner financially. In my last email I shared with you the need we had to cover the expenses for the promo video and flyers we produced - key tools to help serve this grassroots movement of people of faith who making a difference. The video and fliers cost us $3600, which was a great investment, but we still need $1900 to cover this. Your partnership is crucial!
God has his eye on this state. We are in a serious crisis that is much deeper than just an economic recession, but these problems are an opportunity for God to intervene and bring transformation. If we can reach out and take his hand, he will lead us through to our best years ever!
Let's work together to see California transformed! Thanks for your partnership Joe!
Ted Hahs
PS. If you haven't yet, take a moment to go to adopt your street right now! When you practice prayer evangelism you will see the spiritual climate change. Let the world know that your street is not longer orphaned and then share the results as transformation happens!