Bringing People Together ...

Capitol Fellowship Foundation seeks to bring people together in the spirit of Christ through prayer mobilization in order to bring about revival and transformation in the Sacramento Region

Sunday, December 4, 2011

A Wonderful Holiday Season to ALL !

December 1, 2011

Fall in Sacramento, CA
Joe Walsh, Founder, President, CEO, Capitol Fellowship Foundation, Inc., Sacramento, California.

On November 28, I had to have eye surgery on my right eye. The lens was replaced and it is remarkable how I can now see like when I was a teenager. And then a good friend reminded, "now don't act like one!" I gotta remember that! Kidding aside though: I see great and I praise God for this new opportunity to see more clearly that I ever have in years. At the beginning of January I may be going in for the left eye. I praise God either way!

November 4, 2011

Hi Everyone! This fall ministry has been full with prayer and leadership conferences and finally to get some quality time with Drew, Becky and Mady in Tallahassee, Florida. Thank you for your part in prayer and generously giving to this ministry of prayer mobilization on various levels and relationships.

November 6, 2011

We witnessed the baptism of Mady Ayn Walsh, November 6, 2011, at the Killearn United Methodist Church, in Tallahassee, where Drew is Worship Director for 3-4 services a weekend.

November 4, 2011

It was a joy to spend quality time visiting Drew, Becky and Mady!!

November 4, 2011

Mady loves to be carried by her Mommy. She gets an up-front seat the loves the view!

November 3, 2011
Drew is a daddy who truly loves his little girl. We had three sons, but Drew and Becky are starting off with a treasure of a little girl!

November 2, 2011

"Hi ! Are you here to see me, nana and papa?!" "YES!" "We are," was our resounding and enthusiastic reply.

October 31, 2011

Rick Reese, is a dear brother in Christ, a successful businessman, and our National Director for YTB Travel Network. You can visit his training website at or my Travel and E-commerce store at and adopt it for your own, free of charge!

October 28, 2011

I had the joy of being with most of the Western States NDP leaders. What a fantastic group of seasoned leadership!

October 29, 2011

Mrs Shirley Dobson Dedicates and Commissions the new State Coordinators, Maria Lancaster, Washington; Evra Weiser, Alaska and others.

October 28, 2011
Tom Senter, CA Capitol Event Coordinator with Doris Force, CA State Coordinator, and Joe Walsh, NAL-West, NDPTF

October 28, 2011

Joe Walsh and Tom Senter meet Dick Eastman, President of Every Home for Christ Int'l, at the Jericho Worship and Training Center, in Colorado Springs, and the National Day of Prayer Task Force Leadership Summit, October 28-30. What a joy to spend time with Dick and listen to him teach in our large group gathering!