Daniel Henderson, former Sacramento Pastor, and Founder of Strategic Renewal International, this week conducted an SRI NorCal Prayer Summit in West Sacramento, at the Ramada Inn Convention Center. Daniel, along with a NorCal facilitators team lead the 130 participants in a 3 day "Pray Summit", that has revolutionized the worship-prayer life of thousands of praying men and women across America.
This ministry of worship-based corporate prayer has been a life-saver to thousands of pastors and congregations who have struggle with the "prayer culture" or lack of it in their churches. "This is the place where I learned to discern and experience the working presence of God will my life", say scores of attendees! CFFi, CEO and President, Joe Walsh and CFFi Board Member were a couple of the NorCal Prayer Summit facilitation team. "I am always renewed and refocused from attending and participating in a SRI worship-based prayer summer," they said.