Bringing People Together ...

Capitol Fellowship Foundation seeks to bring people together in the spirit of Christ through prayer mobilization in order to bring about revival and transformation in the Sacramento Region

Monday, August 27, 2012

Brief Update

So good to hear from you. Amazing how our body needs a lot more care as we get older. Dianne goes to the doctor tomorrow for a sonogram to see if she'll need surgery. We are thankful for each day. Our Capitol Intercessors, under Bessi's leadership, are doing great! Everyday - there's a group of 2-3 prayer walkers at the Sacramento Capitol, reading scripture and praying.  I started a three week teaching on Prayer Mobilization for Seniors - Senior Chapel group at Sunrise Community Church in Fair Oaks. If you have Christian Seniors in your church who want the training, let me know. I have a couple of conferences in September and more in October. Have you seen 2016? A real eye opener! God bless you with increased health and strength. ~ Joe and Dianne